Tuesday 7 April 2015

Start of the edit - After Effects tutorial session

In the week before the Easter holidays, we imported all of our footage from the previous weeks studio sessions into Adobe After Effects and had a quick recap of the basic elements to both this as well as Adobe Photoshop and Premiere. Carrie, Sarah and I were the only members of our group to attend the session, however in some ways this did work out quite well as it meant that it wasn't  too crowded around the one computer screen and we all had something to be individually working on.

Personally, I find using the Adobe Creative Suite for post-production work to be the most convenient, as  I find the interfaces simple and easy to navigate around when working on the same film on more than one programme. The programmes being interlinked in this way allows us to be able to make amends on Photoshop and then import these straight into After Effects, making the editing process for this project in particular a lot smoother and less time consuming.

We used this post production intro. session to review our footage in an edit and explore the options that were available to us after identifying the strengths of the film as well as the problem areas that we will be trying to fix, or come up with creative solutions for as a group, over the next two weeks. This session was useful in terms of us being able to see the problem areas and view all of our footage on a larger screen, as well as being able to refamiliarise ourselves with editing, as this is an area we haven't all been able to work on together for a while and that is a useful skill to have.

I made sure to take some notes down in the session so that when we come in over the next few weeks to work on the edit, we can refer to these to know how to do certain set tasks, such as sorting out any green areas left around parts of our green screen footage and how to connect After Effects to Photoshop etc., in order to hopefully make the post production stage of our project go quite smoothly.



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