Thursday 2 April 2015

Research into Visual FX and the future of the uncanny film

When researching further, I came across the following article from Empire Online, which I found to be both insightful and informative but also enjoyable and an interesting area to think about. This enabled me to think creatively about the possibilities within our own project initially, especially when considering the VFX and SFX requirements of the brief and how we could go about creatively achieving these. A lot of the article focuses on humans and where the future could lie with VFX in the representation of them, and I think this sort of contributed and comes across in some ways in our own idea - in our choice to use a human but with uncanny elements which could have been digitally manipulated in the way that they are shown just as believably. This relates to the uncanny in itself as a subject and theme in some ways, as the viewer could also possibly feel not quite sure whether or not the subject being shown is real and was filmed in a live set up or if this effect had been achieved through post-production VFX work.

(Image and article source: )

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