Sunday 26 April 2015

Group Proposal

Set deep in a mysterious dark forest lies an abandoned wooden shack which feels horribly claustrophobic and cramped. The shack has 3 visible walls covered in sticks and unusual objects such as bloody handprints, animal heads and items that seem disturbing to the average person. The shack is dark but has a somewhat warm glow to it. There is a large open window along the main wall and just below is a seat covered in mis matched fabrics. The view outside of the window is bleak and leaves fall softly past the window. We pan around the room as if we are confused by the bizarre items within the shack. Suddenly a figure appears and begins to crawl through the window.

The figure appears human at first, until we see the figures head. A pig head attached to a human body. We track in. The pighead comes towards us as if he will jump out of the screen. We are confused as the pighead appears human but not human enough. He sits on the fabric covered seat. Suddenly he starts to dance as if he’s in a trance like state. Back and forth. Tracking in and out. The movements are uncanny and very unusual and uncomfortable to watch. It’s as if we are seeing 2 of the same character adding to our confusion and uncanny effects. Suddenly the character starts a fire and again we see the unusual items in the shack and begin to question what is reality. Pighead looks directly at us.We cut to black.

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