Tuesday 3 February 2015

Moodboards - Week 3

During this week's seminar we looked at different types of moodboards and the purposes of creating these when designing a production. Since learning some basic design skills for mood boards on Photoshop during the session, I created the above image which is based around my initial proposal idea for the module. The idea is centred around the theme of imagination from a child's perspective, and so I have adapted selected areas of the general overall room image in subtle ways to reflect this, such as the cloud on the wall, the adapted framed pictures and the open storybook on the floor, leading to the imagination world that is opened up through the bookcase.

We also got into our main production groups during the session. Myself, Sarah and Carrie had already began to develop early initial ideas as a group of three, however we were put with Ryan, Terry and Billy to form a larger group of six, and so we began to discuss all of our individual ideas and develop these into a combined idea. We agreed to keep in touch via a group conversation on a messaging app, and send any research influences and inspirations over this. We have decided from an early stage that we would like to do something different, yet keep the idea simple and focus more on an installation piece with shadows, rather than involving any people in our piece and instead being able to purely focus on the design of the set, the materials we would like to use and the visual techniques we would like to incorporate into our idea.



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