Tuesday 17 February 2015

Planning for workshop project

This week we got together in our groups and discussed our project idea further, in order to develop it to a stage where we will be able to make best use of the studio access we have during next week's workshop session.

We took another look at all of our individual project proposals. Carrie's and Sarah's were based around quite a thriller/horror type of theme, whereas my initial idea was more to do with exploring a child's imagination. We talked about how we could combine these two ideas, and after having researched further moodboard images for both of these ideas, we came up with an idea which we really like the sound of, however which will need some work upon in terms of how to best dress and design the set in the studio space whilst meeting the brief's set requirements.

The concept we are currently developing is an outdoor scene, in which we would either have a tent or a wooden shack as the main item occupying the space. For the green screen element, we are thinking about showing a night-time sky scene out of a wall which has a window space cut out. For the effect that we need to include, we are thinking about showing a figure climbing out of the window and stepping out to the 'outside', where leaves will be blowing around the scene (which is something we will set up in the studio with a fan).

We think this will be a strong idea to work with, in terms of combining our individual ideas together and focusing on the theme of contrast between the uncanny and creepy side to the wooden shack against the quite dreamlike and more peaceful side to nature that will be shown on the outside of this, through the small window and by the leaves.

Here are some images that show similar designs to what we would like to achieve:

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