Wednesday 28 January 2015

Short Proposal

Tag line: There are no boundaries to a child’s imagination.

Log line:  The exciting journey into an insight of a 5 year old child’s imagination, as they discover their own magical world hidden through their bedroom wall, only at night-time.

Scene synopsis

A young child sits on her bedroom floor, surrounded by picture filled storybooks. Tired, she rubs her eyes and starts to tidy the books up to carry them towards a large bookcase in the corner of the room. She stands on her tiptoes to try her hardest to reach the top shelf, but a sudden noise – a clatter - makes her jump, and she drops one of the books. She sits down on the floor again and finds she has knocked a photograph off the shelf. The picture shows her as a baby, in her mother’s arms.  She turns the photograph over, looking instead at the open book next to it.  She stands up and steps onto the book with both of her feet. She closes her eyes.

We see her faintly from a muddy view underneath her feet, as if through the eyes of the storybooks open page. She takes a step forward and wraps her arms around her pyjama top for warmth. She looks around her. The dark sky gradually turns to a magical blue, and stars start to appear and sparkle. She smiles, noticing muddy footprints carving out a path in front of her. There does not seem to be anyone else around in the woods that surround her.  Shivering, she skips ahead, following the footprints which lead her to a door. She tries to knock but the door disappears, revealing a figure of the child’s mother standing in its place.

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