Friday 20 March 2015

'Uncanny' Moodboard and ideas

To develop our idea further and to gain some imagery to help to visualise our set build, I have created and been working on a moodboard of images, most of which relate to our idea but some of which also incorporate the theme of 'the uncanny' on Pinterest.

Here is the link to the Pinterest site (below) - I have sent the details of this to the rest of the group and added their email addresses to the admin settings so that we can all add visual images this way and share further ideas as a group. I set this up in the hope that it will be a productive way of sharing all of our individual views and insights on how we imagine the film is going to appear visually - as this is sometimes more difficult to get across in a conversation. I also think it will be an interesting tool to use as our project develops further and as we discover artists and existing artwork that we find interesting and relevant to our subject and theme along the way, whilst having a visual board of imagery to relate back to and keep us on track throughout the remainder of the module with what we aim to achieve.

A sample of images currently displayed:

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